Andean Alliance


Calca, Peru

Mission: Harnessing collective intelligence to support community-led development in the highlands of Peru. Vision: All members of indigenous communities in the highlands of Peru are able to live a life that includes good health, economic prosperity, and the free will to make choices that will benefit future generations.

Misión: Aprovecharla inteligencia colectiva para apoyar el desarrollo dirigido por las comunidades en los Andes del Perú. Visión: Que todos los miembros de comunidades indígenas en los Andes del Perú tengan la habilidad de vivir una vida que incluya buena salud, prosperidad económica y la propia voluntad de tomar las decisiones que beneficiaran a futuras generaciones.

If you are a citizen of Peru, please contact AASD staff for more information about MESA’s program and an interview to assess your program eligibility. AASD-nominated candidates do not have to pay MESA’s application fee, and are also eligible for scholarship and loan support, if needed.