Hosts Brian & Sandy Dierks of Paradise Valley Farm, pictured here with Steward Libio Laguna from Peru's Sacred Valley (paradise valley to sacred valley, get it?;-), have been happily engaged in their SPRIG this season.
Dennis writes: “We are trying to create a nutrient cycle within 5 miles from the farm. We will be building compost and collecting the material from our supporting environment to make it affordable. We would also like to create an instructional pamphlet/manual in both English and Spanish to develop for children and/or students and interns.
This process raises the quality of the crops with higher nutrient levels, longer shelf life, and more vibrancy. Having Libio manage this will help improve farm organization process and consistency. The compost tea could be applied the diversified vegetables, corn in his community. Also, Libio would be able to bring back the instructional pamphlet and his experience to teach the children at the local orphanage. May also be able to apply to coffee production.”
Here is a brief timeline and expected impact for this SPRIG:
Dennis, Libio- co-managers
April-October: collecting and brewing microbes, use in roots soaks and greenhouse
June-October- start and continue making teas
12-48 hours for each batch. Must be applied within 12 hours, best if as soon as possible
Brew will be applied 1x/week in green house
Compost tea (base is the compost and microbes) will be applied at least 1x/month
Writing and printing the instructional pamphlet
Community Impact:
Interns, workshops attendees, MALT association, RDI consumers, orphans in Peru…They will attend workshops and learn how to build and implement micronutrient brews.