MESA launches SPRIG

This  season MESA launched “Sustainable Projects Recognizing Innovative Growers”. SPRIG grants help host farmers develop mentoring skills to benefit the next generation of farmers, while adding to their farm’s productivity.


This past season MESA launched “SPRIG”-Sustainable Projects Recognizing Innovative Growers. SPRIG grants help host farmers develop mentoring skills to benefit the next generation of farmers, while also adding to the overall productivity of the host establishment. SPRIG increases host-intern collaboration and communication, launches beneficial farm projects, and promotes ‘best practice’ planning, proposal writing, implementation and evaluation for Stewards.  Hosts that qualify for a SPRIG receive a reduction in their monthly MESA program fees to reflect the amount of hours and materials they will donate toward a SPRIG. In 2011, up to twelve grants ranging between $575-$2350 per project will be awarded to MESA Hosts, a number that could increase depending on fundraising outcomes.  Each mentoring team of Hosts and Stewards develop an on-site project proposal entirely dependent on the needs and the vision of the mentoring team.  SPRIG promotes innovations in marketing or on-farm research, and ultimately can be adapted and replicated by other farms, as well as by farm interns or stewards in their own communities, both nationally and internationally.